Circular Solar Panels


Solar panels are a great innovation, but they are not necessarily a new technology. They have been around for years, solar calculators have been around since the 1970s. However, this technology was not used and commercialized to its full potential until the 20th century.

Today, more and more people are using solar panels not only for calculators but also for household appliances. It has been found that the sun’s energy can be harnessed and transformed into energy that can be used to power hopes and without the need for grid-dependent wired energy. This is made possible by panels that absorb the photos released by the sun and convert them into electrical energy.

Thanks to this technology, houses can save up to $10,000 a year on their electricity bills. This is in addition to tax incentives. That is why more and more individuals are turning to this source of energy. Of course, experts are doing their best to further improve this technology. Some also aim to increase portability.

One such development is round solar panels. This article looks at this technology, identifies its different types and provides a recommendation as to whether it is a worthwhile investment. We will begin by explaining what this is all about.

What is a Round Solar Panel?

What are the round solar panels? As their name suggests, they are circular solar panels designed to perform certain functions. Round panels are a more economical alternative to ordinary panels, simply because they are made from reused and remodeled panels. In practice, the new panels are quite difficult to produce and are expensive.

Especially with monocrystalline panels, a lot of the leftover material is wasted. If we want to be more efficient in terms of costs and production, the production of this type of panel may be the way forward.

Epoxy is also a layer used to encapsulate solar cells, but it is considered less resistant and more robust than laminated cells. Some variants of circular epoxy panels use resin for encapsulation to optimize the thermal management of the cells and extend the life of the equipment.

Circular solar panels allow manufacturers to conserve raw materials to increase efficiency and reduce waste. With the growing demand due to more and more people switching suppliers, this can really help manufacturers meet demand.

It will also provide opportunities for recyclers, as pure monocrystalline panels, for example, can be recovered to produce circular panels, providing jobs for workers and a source of income for businessmen who choose to invest in the business. Because of their structure, round panels may also be lighter and easier to transport, depending on the type. So, what are the different types?

Round panels always have a flat surface, so their efficiency can be as high as 20%, which is the average efficiency of regular rectangular panels. Some manufacturers also offer custom-made panels to suit certain surfaces and purposes. They are relatively smaller; for example, epoxy panels measure about 20 millimeters. This makes them more flexible and more suitable for hand luggage.

However, because of their shape, it can be difficult to fit them to an ordinary roof. They may require special mounting to be installed and may not be effective in terms of covering the surface. They may also be low power, but sufficient to power small gadgets.

They are perfect for recharging mobile devices when you are on the move. So you can charge and recharge them several times during the day without easily running out of juice in your charger.

Types of Round Solar Panels

Currently, there are two types of circular solar panels on the market: round epoxy solar panels and laminated solar panels. Round epoxy solar panels are cheaper and more aesthetically pleasing than laminated solar panels. They are considered solar accessories because of their size and portability.

They can be used for lawn lighting, garden lamps, chargers, road posts, street and traffic signs, flashlights and other mini solar-powered devices. They are also lower wattage, so one may not be enough to power high-powered devices.

Laminated solar panel round types are more durable than regular panels. This is because they have an extra layer of protection against extreme heat. Thanks to their portable form, they can be used to power small devices for a long time. Panels of this type undergo a layering process that keeps the solar cells encapsulated and sandwiched between a top and bottom layer.

The material used is ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), which is a copolymer resin used as an adhesive, sealant and surface coating. This makes the panels more resistant in terms of durability, allowing them to become more efficient even in extreme weather conditions.


The modern world has given us endless possibilities thanks to technology. Unfortunately, most of the technology we have is powered by electricity or batteries. Electricity grids harness the energy of fossil fuels, non-renewable resources. Batteries lose their juice after periods of use, and rechargeable batteries may need electricity to replenish their juice.

This is why the development of solar panels is an excellent way to meet growing demand and, at the same time, reduce the consumption of depleting resources. Switching to this solution used to be very expensive, but more and more manufacturers are starting to develop cheaper and more portable alternatives for this technology.

Circular solar panels are one such innovation. Thanks to this cheaper and lighter alternative, it is no longer necessary to connect the lamps to a power grid, as the solar cells are sufficient to operate them. Epoxy types have a protective layer against weathering, but laminate types have stronger layers to fight extreme temperatures and keep the cells running for years.

If you are looking for portability and style, choose the epoxy type. If you’re looking for longevity, choose laminated cells. However, you can always have both because they are not as expensive as regular panels, so you can have one for every need. In any case, you are helping the environment to save resources and at the same time you are gradually saving on electricity bills.

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