DIY Pizza Box Solar Oven: A Step-by-Step Guide

Have you ever left a pizza box in the sun and been amazed by how hot it can get? You might be surprised to learn that this same principle can be harnessed to cook food using the power of the sun. Solar ovens are a simple and environmentally friendly way to cook, and with just a few materials and a bit of know-how, you can make your own pizza box solar oven.
In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to make a solar oven with a pizza box. With this solar oven, you’ll be able to cook up tasty meals without using any electricity or fuel. So let’s get started!
Materials Needed for DIY Solar Oven Pizza Box
To make a DIY solar oven pizza box, you’ll need a few basic materials. These materials are relatively inexpensive and easy to find at most stores or online. With just these few items, you’ll be able to make your own solar pizza box oven and start cooking with the power of the sun. So, you’ll need:
- Pizza box
- Aluminum foil
- Cardboard
- Clear plastic wrap
- Glue stick
- Rubber band
- Thermometer (optional)
- Small fan (optional)
How to Make Solar Oven Pizza Box: Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: Gather materials
Before you begin, it’s important to make sure you have all the necessary materials on hand. To gather the materials, you can either purchase them online or visit a local craft or hardware store. The pizza box can be any size, but a medium or large box will likely work best as it will provide more space for your food and allow for more efficient cooking.
The aluminum foil should be heavy-duty and large enough to cover the inside of the box. The cardboard should be sturdy and able to withstand the heat of the sun without warping or bending. The clear plastic wrap should be food-safe and able to withstand high temperatures. The glue stick should be strong and able to hold the fan in place. The rubber band should be able to fit securely around the edges of the plastic wrap.
Step 2: Line the inside of the pizza box with aluminum foil
Once you have all your materials, it’s time to start building your solar oven. Begin by cutting a piece of aluminum foil to fit the inside of the pizza box. The foil should completely cover the bottom and sides of the box, with a few inches of excess on the edges.
Place the foil inside the box, shiny side up. The foil will help to reflect the sunlight and increase the heat inside the oven.
To cut the foil to size, you can use a ruler and a pair of scissors or a sharp knife. Measure the dimensions of the inside of the box and mark the foil accordingly. Cut along the lines, being careful not to tear the foil. If you have trouble getting a clean cut, you can try folding the foil in half and cutting through both layers at once.
Step 3: Cut a piece of cardboard to fit inside the box
Once the foil is in place, it’s time to cut a piece of cardboard to fit inside the box. This cardboard will act as a platform for your food and help to keep it elevated and away from the foil.
Measure the inside of the pizza box and cut a piece of cardboard to fit snugly inside. The cardboard should be slightly smaller than the dimensions of the box so that it sits comfortably on top of the foil.
To cut the cardboard to size, you can use a ruler, a pencil, a pair of scissors, or a sharp knife. Measure the dimensions of the inside of the box and mark the cardboard accordingly. Cut along the lines, being careful not to bend or tear the cardboard. If you have trouble getting a clean cut, you can try scoring the cardboard along the lines with a knife and then bending it along the score marks to snap it cleanly.
Step 4: Cover the top of the box with plastic wrap
Now that the foil and cardboard are in place, it’s time to cover the top of the box with plastic wrap. This plastic wrap will trap the heat inside the oven and help to cook your food.
Cut a piece of clear plastic wrap large enough to cover the top of the pizza box. The plastic wrap should overlap the edges of the box by a few inches.
Secure the plastic wrap in place using a rubber band. Make sure the wrap is taut and wrinkle-free to ensure that it traps the heat inside the oven effectively.
To cut the plastic wrap to size, you can use a ruler and a pair of scissors or a sharp knife. Measure the dimensions of the top of the box and mark the plastic wrap accordingly. Cut along the lines, being careful not to tear the wrap. If you have trouble getting a clean cut, you can try folding the wrap in half and cutting through both layers at once.
To secure the wrap in place, you can use a rubber band or a piece of tape. Stretch the rubber band around the edges of the plastic wrap, making sure it is taut and holds the wrap firmly in place. If you prefer to use tape, you can use small pieces of clear tape to adhere the wrap to the sides of the box. Just be sure to avoid placing the tape directly over the foil, as it may interfere with the reflectivity of the foil.
Step 5: Attach a small fan (optional)
If you have a small fan, you can use it to help circulate the hot air inside the oven and cook your food more evenly. To attach the fan, you’ll need a glue stick.
Use the glue stick to attach the fan to the back of the pizza box. The fan should be oriented so that it blows air toward the front of the box.
If you don’t have a fan, you can skip this step or try using a small piece of cardboard as a makeshift fan. Simply cut a small hole in the center of the cardboard and attach it to the back of the box using the glue stick. As the sun warms the air inside the oven, the cardboard will move and create a gentle flow of air.
To attach the fan, you can use a glue stick or a strong adhesive. Apply a generous amount of glue to the back of the fan and press it firmly onto the back of the box. Be sure to align the fan properly and give the glue time to dry before attempting to use the oven. If you are using a cardboard fan, you can simply attach it to the back of the box using the glue stick.
Step 6: Place your food inside the pizza box solar oven
Now that your pizza box solar oven is set up and ready to go, it’s time to start cooking! Put your food on the cardboard platform inside the oven and close the lid.
Aim the front of the oven towards the sun. The angle of the oven will affect the intensity of the heat, so you may want to adjust it to optimize the cooking conditions. You can use a compass or a phone app to help you determine the direction of the sun and point the oven accordingly.
Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature inside the oven. This will give you an idea of how well the oven is performing and allow you to make any necessary adjustments. If the temperature is too low, you can try tilting the oven towards the sun or adding a reflective surface (such as a mirror or piece of foil) to the front of the oven to increase the amount of sunlight entering the box.
If the temperature is too high, you can try tilting the oven away from the sun or adding a shading element (such as a piece of cardboard or cloth) to the front of the oven to reduce the amount of sunlight entering the box.
To place your food inside the oven, you can use a baking pan, a sheet of aluminum foil, or a heat-resistant container. Just be sure to elevate the food slightly above the cardboard platform using a rack or a few balls of aluminum foil to allow for better circulation of hot air. If you are using a baking pan or a container, you may want to wrap the food in foil or a layer of plastic wrap to help retain moisture and prevent drying out.
That’s it! You now have a fully functioning solar oven made from a pizza box. You can use this oven to cook a variety of dishes, such as baked goods, roasted vegetables, and even pizza (of course!). Just be sure to keep an eye on your food as it cooks, as the cooking time may vary depending on the intensity of the sunlight.
With a bit of experimentation and practice, you’ll be a solar cooking pro in no time. So why not give this DIY pizza box solar oven a try and see what delicious creations you can come up with?